Need to Keep Your Business Safe from Cyberattacks?

Need to Keep Your Business Safe from Cyberattacks?

Without doubt, the creation of the internet has made many new ideas possible, as well as enable the spread of knowledge and information. Unfortunately, criminals have also taken advantage of the internet to exploit and attack vulnerable individuals and organizations.

Today, cyberattacks routinely cause organizations around the world massive damage. In June, Akamai, a leading internet infrastructure company, mitigated the largest packet per second (PPS) distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack ever recorded on the Akamai platform. The attack generated 809 million packets per second (Mbps), targeting a large European bank. Akamai also reported of mitigating a DDoS attack of 1.44 Tbps in the same month.

The problem has continued to grow as people spend more and more time on the internet. More than 4.57 billion people around the world now use the internet - close to 60% of the world's total population – and the number is rapidly rising.  According to Global Digital Report, the average internet user currently spends some 10 hours online every day.

In addition, as devices and wearables become increasingly connected, there’s more room than ever for vulnerabilities to be exploited. By 2022 there will be an estimated 28.5 billion networked devices and connections online—a trend that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated.

Protecting Your Assets from Cyberattacks


Cyberattacks routinely cause organizations around the world massive damage. 2020 has seen a huge boost in cyber activity with security firm Crowdstrike finding the number of potential intrusions detected – which reaching to 41,000 intrusions identified in the first half of 2020.

Ever since the onset of COVID-19, cyberattacks have definitely ramped up. Both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Akamai, a leader in the cyber security sector, reported record-breaking assaults on their infrastructure, although both were able to thwart these DDoS attacks. AWS noted the peak attack had been 44% larger than anything it had experienced before.

As such, it’s no wonder that companies are frantically ramping up their cybersecurity. A breach can cause loss of sales and revenue, irreparable damage to customers’ trust and the company’s brand image, service outages and or problems and theft of classified data.

Any one of these could cause significant damage and negatively impact the bottom line. But a few easy measures can help to protect your organization, including:

  • Make sure your employees all have strong passwords that are regularly changed
  • Backup your data in the cloud or some other place that isn't connected to your company's network, in case your network is compromise
  • Control physical access to work computers and network components
  • Secure your connectivity by using a private network with firewalls
  • Install security around your servers

What Telin Can Do to Support You

Designed to used by both small businesses and large enterprises, Telin Internet Security is a solution that offers comprehensive security at a highly competitive price, while maintaining low latency.

Telin’s security solution is supported by the company’s enormous resources which are distributed worldwide. Telin moreover provides 24/7 customer support for any system dysfunctions that are discovered, through its parent company - Telkom Indonesia.

By signing on for this cloud-based service, you can simply and easily protect your networks from cyberattacks on network layer.

Features of Telin Internet Security

Network Protection: A solution to protect your network layer from DDoS attacks involving:

  • TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, RST, FIN flood
  • UDP flood
  • ICMP flood
  • Fragmentation attack
  • Amplification attack

Intelligent Monitoring: Monitoring of internet traffic flow to detect DDoS attacks by comparing it with baseline traffic and inspecting header packages.

Domestic Scrubbing Center: By utilizing Telin’s scrubbing center which is located within Indonesia, enterprise customer does not need to worry about mitigation latency and concern regarding data sovereignty.

Real Time Monitoring: We provide access to portal will be given so that customer can check the traffic in real-time. Furthermore, monthly report will be given to customer which covers information about anomaly traffic in customer network.

Let’s Chat!

We’re available to talk anytime you want to about Telin security solutions and what we can do for you. Simply email us at and we can set up a call or email with the information you need. In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, keep productive!