Hyperscale Data Center for Effective Colocation

Hyperscale Data Center for Effective Colocation

The saying that ‘data is king’ has never been truer. Having the right Data Center for your company is like building a strong core for your body. A strong core is important for stability and strength, enabling you to move your limbs in all directions and helping guard against injuries. Similarly, Data Centers help to keep enterprises agile and safeguard business continuity by backing up business applications and critical data. 

As digital technology advances, more enterprises are realizing how vital Data Centers are in the ingestion, computation, managed storage, and management of information, especially in the pandemic. Reflecting these trends, the global Data Center Security market is expected to grow by 14.7% CAGR, reaching USD 20.2 million by 2023, while the Data Center Service market is expected to grow by over 15% to USD 3.35 billion between  2020-2024.

Megatrend: The Rise of Hyperscale Data Centers

It’s no surprise that as digital, and data-heavy activities spike around the world due to the global pandemic, data centers have become a go-to solution to meet the surge in demand for e-learning, remote working, binge watching, and other internet activities.

As organizations’ demand for data storage have become more complex, Hyperscale Data Centers (HDC) have emerged as a secure hosting solution for large enterprises who need to process millions of bytes of information every day – both in the form of structured and unstructured data. Many firms also prefer to shift cloud-based applications to data centers, minimizing the cost of running an in-house server and its maintenance.

Compared with traditional data centers, HDCs are much larger physical spaces where organizations can store their hyper-distributed data, within a safe and secure facility with dedicated and reliable power, and network transmission. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), a data center qualifies as Hyperscale when it exceeds 5,000 servers and 10,000 square feet. However, HDCs can be much, much bigger. The largest cloud providers (Amazon, Google and Microsoft) house hundreds of thousands of servers in HDCs around the world.

In January 2019, Synergy Research Group (SRG) released data showing that the number of large data centers operated by hyperscale providers rose by 11% in 2018. John Dinsdale, a Chief Analyst and Research Director at Synergy Research Group, said, “Hyperscale growth goes on unabated, with company revenues growing by an average 24% per year and their capex growing by over 40% – much of which is going into building and equipping data centers. In addition to the 430 current hyperscale data centers we have visibility of a further 132 that are at various stages of planning or building. There is no end in sight to the data center building boom.”

Why Shift to a Hyperscale Data Center Now?

Hyperscale Data Centre's (HDC) are designed to support today’s vital business, technology challenges and how they impact data centres. HDCs resolve difficulties and embodies the next wave of system integration and risk management by aligning and harmonizing critical systems to support the delivery of secure, energy efficient, always-on and real-time data and services. 

As companies are predicted to use more and more data going forward, it makes sense to shift to an HDC now as part of future-proofing the business. HDCs are purpose built to enable homogenous scale-out of greenfield applications, enabling greater agility and adaptation. As a result, companies stand to derive the following benefits from using HDCs: 

  1. Cost & Time Efficiency: Rather than managing data storage in house, it make sense to outsource this to third parties in the form of data centers, and particularly HDCs, who can deliver efficiencies and scale costs. 
  2. Scalable Data Storage and Management: Maintaining a physical server is a burden on budget and manpower. Utilizing an off-site data center gives tremendous flexibility, to add selective space as needed, allowing businesses to pay for only space and resources when they need it. Moreover, HDCs have the capacity and ability to quickly scale out applications and support future data storage growth, among others by applying innovative new methods of data management. 
  3. Safety and Recovery: HDCs are built to be secure and resilient with quick disaster recovery protocols, including threat detection and protocols for backup and recovery of your data.
  4. Expert Advice: Let experts handle and monitor your company data for the most agile and centralized data delivery and maintenance.

We Can Support You To Store Your Core 

To accelerate the digital expansion in Asia Pacific, Telin is evolving to become the hub for all Telco, IT & Digital activities in Asia Pacific and beyond, so that it can serve as a connected and ecosystem enabler.

Telin, together with Telkom Group, are committed to provide the highest level of data center solutions to our customers in the region. Supported by our proprietary self-owned submarine cable network, our comprehensive colocation services are designed to be flexible, modular, seamless and scalable in order to meet your business needs. We operate more than 24 Tier II to Tier IV Data Centers in Singapore, Hong Kong, Timor Leste, and Indonesia, all of which are connected to our Global Internet Network supported by seamless submarine cable connectivity and more.

Features and Specifications

Meet us at Capacity Asia-png

Meet us at Capacity Asia-2-png

Benefits of Telin Data Centers

With Telin Data Centers, you will benefit from the following:

  • Access to 70% of Indonesian eyeballs.
  • Seamless global to global, global to domestic and domestic to domestic connection.
  • Carrier Neutral Data Center.
  • High availability, with up to 100% SLA power availability.
  • Global standard ISO certifications


Ensure Business Agility in today’s highly dynamic world : HDC

In keeping up with customer’s needs, Telkom Group is building 4 storey HDC in Delta Mas, Cikarang, Jakarta, Indonesia to bring better benefit for our customers and partners. This Hyperscale Data Center will be built on an area of 65,000 m2 with total capacity of up to 10,000 racks and electrical power capacity of around 75MW. This will be the first Data Center to use eco-friendly webbing material,and will be complete along 2022. 

Aside from that, this HDC facility will be provided Fire Detector System, Cooling System, Monitoring System, Security, Network Diversity of Carrier Neutral Data Center, High availability with up to 100% SLA power availability, and Global Standard Accreditations.

Let Telin as part of Telkom Group serves as your Data Center solution for  your core data. Interested in learning more about Telin Data Centers? Watch our Data Center video or send an email to us and let’s set up a time to chat about your needs. We’re here for you around the clock to assist you. Stay safe, stay healthy, and Stay Connected!