How to Bring Up Your Business in the Era of Digital Transformation

How to Bring Up Your Business in the Era of Digital Transformation

Businesses everywhere are trying to figure out who to reposition themselves in the digital era. On one hand, digital has opened up enormous opportunities for growth. On the other hand, digital transformation challenges create new risks and challenges.

In a market research study, IDC cites the key factors driving organisations to begin their digital transformation journey as “competitive pressures, increased efficiency, and [the] ability to better meet customer expectations.”

In helping our customers adjust to transformation challenges in 2021 and 2022, a common misperception that we’ve seen at Telin is to equate digital solutions such as cloud, mobility, and big data analytics, with digital transformation.

But, simply providing your workers with new technology will not magically digitally transform your business. So how do you make sure that the digital technologies you adopt are fundamentally driving change at your business, instead of being a Band-Aid solution that looks good but doesn’t have lasting impact?


Transform your thinking, the solutions will follow

Digital transformation has been defined as a “rethinking of how an organisation uses technology, people, and processes to radically change business performance.” According to the Gartner’s digital Transformation strategy, digital transformation is a top priority for CEOs and boards of directors in an effort to create a connected platform and new industry revenue streams.

It is first about transforming your organisational decision making to embrace new ways of thinking, and then supporting that change with technological advancements. In other words, you need to determine your overall business objectives and transformation goals, then figure out the digital technologies that you want to use accordingly.

One way relatively simple way to frame the issue is to think about what technologies would help you leverage the information and connections you already have to create value. For example, if you have large volumes of digital information from your sites and assets, you can use digital tools to collect aggregate and analyse the information.

This information could come from sources as varied as customer interactions versus supply chain logistics scheduled, which could then be translated into actionable insights.

Another way to look at the issue is to figure out where your areas of friction are, and then find digital technologies that can tackle those problems.


Done right, digital technology adoption delivers right

In our experience at Telin, when done right, digital technologies can drive organisations to transform quickly, accompanied by radically different business processes to deliver higher levels of innovation and agility.

Benefits that our customers have seen include a more empowered workforce, accelerated collaboration and breakdown of silos, a more integrated approach to business goals, and greater agility overall—usually with decreased risk, and a leaner long-term cost-structure thanks to the global exchange of cloud resources.

Digital technology can also be an effective way to handle employment challenges in the digital era, whether by increasing employee satisfaction by automating tedious tasks or by helping employees tackle challenges more effectively.

Interested in learning how to think more effectively about your technological adoption? The team of Telin is ready to chat and see how we can help. As context, we’ve helped hundreds of major businesses transform their operations through digital technology in the Asia Pacific region and beyond.

Send us email at and let’s talk about digital strategies for next-generation business leading enterprise! Stay safe, stay healthy, and Stay Connected with Telin!