In order to change the concept of CDN application, the bandwidth being the selection of saving technology and optimal infrastructure and as the provision of CDN milestone as the main support services digital media of telkom to realize an obsession become king of digital media. So on the 14 February 2013 in a Tambora Telin conference room held the signing of PKS between Telin & PT Graha Fatta of services and global CDN domestic.
The signing was signed by CEO Telin, Syarif Syahrial Ahmad, and Director Graha Fatta, Sim Budiman and watched by Network Operation Director Telin, Tulus Sudarsono , EVP Corporate Strategic and Investment, Ahmad Fathi Husaeri, VP Innovation Management, Henri Setiawan, while from Graha Fatta held President Director, Ariaguna Sutandi, GM Business Development, Iwan Gustopo and GM Operation, Marwan.
CDN services become one of the initiatives GTP program worldwide especially in preparing commercialization covering the scheme pricing service. Marketing preparation to find an anchor customer.
Now CDN deployment infrastructure had finished on two locations in Jakarta and Batam. The deployment will be continued in Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Makassar and Balikpapan on March and hopefully at the end of the term 1 was 14 locations ready for CDN.
At the same time as the signing of PKS, Has been done trial live streaming the champions league between real madrid vs manchester united on with the potential traffic 150 TB. Hopefully in front of SCTV as the owner of can be the costumer anchor in TV broadcasting industry.
CDN will be one of the foundation for Telkom Group’s digital media services besides becoming one of revenue generator for Telkom Group. This is in accordance with the concept of 4C (Conectivity, Connection, Customer, Content) Telin optimistic with the uses of CDN (connection), the contents will be closer with the user (localize) then will be produce the cost saving for internet global networking (connection) That causes services connectivity become more competitive.
This will certainly be increasing power to pull the internet Telkom products (faster and cheaper) so it is expected the user of internet Telkom will be more and more. Increasing number of internet user will invite content businesses to join Telkom CDN service. This is expected to increase the Telkom revenues.*** Corcomm