How Telin Can Drive Environmental Sustainability

Corporate activities have a significant impact on the environment. A 2019 Deloitte Study showed that one in four millennials and Gen Zs believe that companies should do their part to stop climate change and help the environment, but only 12% believe that corporations are actively working towards sustainability

How Telin Can Drive Environmental Sustainability

Karawang, 17 January 2022 – Corporate activities have a significant impact on the environment. A 2019 Deloitte Study showed that one in four millennials and Gen Zs believe that companies should do their part to stop climate change and help the environment, but only 12% believe that corporations are actively working towards sustainability.

 On Saturday, Setpember 17th, 2022, which also coincided with International Coastal Cleanup Day, Telin demonstrated its commitment towards environmental sustainability by holding a mangrove planting and beach clean-up event on Tanjung Pakis beach, in Kabupaten Karawang, Java. This activity is part of Telin’s #TelinforCOMMUNITY movement to address global issues, which kicked off in August 2022.

This mangrove planting and beach clean-up event was held in collaboration with CarbonEthics, an organization that aims to restore the climate balance through nature-based solutions with pioneers in blue carbon conservation. The event was attended by The Head of the District Police Pakis Jaya Ipnu Sunaryo, the Military Area Post Commander Pakis Jaya Pelda Ahmad Ibrohim, the Village Head of Tanjung Pakis Karyo, and the Telin Board of Directors including CEO Budi Satria Dharma Purba, CTO Nanang Hendarno, CFRMO Doni Andriansyah, and CCO Kharisma, CarbonEthics CCO Agung Bimo Listyanu, Telkom Witel Karawang GM Sigit Shalako Abdurajak and around 100 volunteers from Telin and Telkom Witel Karawang.

Telin CEO Budi Satria Dharma Purba explained that the beach clean-up and mangrove planting activities are in line with Telin's commitment to addressing global issues, one of which is related to environmental conservation and coastal ecosystems.

"In the future, Telin will commit to being socially active, not only with regard to environmental issues but also to expand community’s digital economies and social inclusion," Budi explained.