Business Expantion to Vietnam, Telin and CMC Telecom Signed Cooperation Contract

MC Telecom and Telin announced the expansion of business cooperation in terms of provision of connectivity link between Vietnam and Indonesia. The cooperation agreements signed by CEO CMC Telecom, Mr Nguyen Duc Thanh and Presiden Direktur Telin, Syarif Syarial Ahmad, in Vietnam

Business Expantion to Vietnam, Telin and CMC Telecom Signed Cooperation Contract

CMC Telecom and Telin announced the expansion of business cooperation in terms of provision of connectivity link between Vietnam and Indonesia. The cooperation agreements signed by CEO CMC Telecom, Mr Nguyen Duc Thanh and Presiden Direktur Telin, Syarif Syarial Ahmad, in Vietnam (13/6) watched by Indonesian ambassador for Vietnam, Mayerfas, Former Minester in Indonesia, Agum Gumelar and consulate general, Dalton Sembiring.

Mr Nguyen Duc Thanh said that cooperation is collaboration which is very strategic partnership , for CMC Telecom. Moreover the development of the telecommunication and technology in Vietnam is very fast. Therefore, CMC Telecom connect business with Telin because Telin is a Telkom’s subsidiary that isthe largest Telco operator in Indonesia.“As one of the largest telecommunications service providers in Vietnam, CMC Telecom hope this cooperation could be more meet the needs of customers better”, said Mr Nguyen.

Meanwhile, Presiden Direkctor Telin, Syarif Syarial Ahmad said that the agreement signed between CMC Telecom and Telin contains providing connectivity link between Vietnam and Indonesia. Hopefully, this cooperation could give a positive contribute for Telin and CMC Telecom. “Telin also represent Telkom interested to discuss further by CMC Telecom to opportunities other business in Vietnam”, said Syarif.

Syarif said that, one of the Telin’s development projects is providing link 3Mbps links between from PT Sement Indonesia located in Gresik to the province Quang Ninh in Vietnam. We hope this project connectivity can be extended to other regions in Vietnam and Indonesia to bring ease communication for customers.

The signed attended by, from CMC Telecom, Mr. Viet  – Director of the Southern Regional, Mr. Vu – Marketing Executive, Mr. Thu – Commercial team. From Telin, Marketing and Sales Director, Natigor Sitorus, VP Sales Data, Nyoto Priyono, VP Corporate Affairs, Dodo Rukandi, Senior Account Manager, Joseph Sahat Raja, Manager Corporate Communication, Pri Handoko and Buying Manager, Oni Brotoseno.***Corcomm